Sunday, August 24, 2014

Short Selling -- The One Thing that Crushes the Enemy

What most people, in fact all the people I know of, do not realize is that there is always one thing that causes your enemies to collapse.

So if you are a short seller wanting to crush a stock price or a company, you can find, even if you think not, one thing that causes them to collapse instantly.

Short selling should not be a battle of years, a war of attrition.

Remember you are going for a fast return on your investment as that maximizes return on investment -- ROI is measured as a percentage per year, not a percentage per millenia.

50% ROI in one year is great, 50% ROI in ten year sucks -- think of all the risks you took to get there.

You will know when you find the one thing because the stock price dives and terminates in a total win.

The one thing causes the enemy to flee the battlefield, causes them to retreat in a panic.

The one thing cause the stock to drop like a burst balloon.

The one thing takes a hardened enemy with all guns blazing and makes them collapse into a fast and unconditional surrender. From machine gun blasts to white flag as fast as the flag can be shown.

Unless your attack causes these results you have not found the one thing.

The same is true of companies fighting off short sellers -- the one thing causes the shorts to cover and go away fast.

A careful study of stock market and military battles shows that the one thing, when found, works magic.

What causes soldiers to panic and flee and what causes boards of directors to head to Brazil? There is your answer.

Now if you don't know there is always one thing, you are going to be trying all sorts of moderately useful solutions, but you will not get the result you want.

Find the one thing from experience, from thought, from testing. Find it any way you can, but find it.

You do not need huge resources to win, only the one thing.